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Day 9- Trail Elves and Happy Dance

After some last minute switching around of the schedule (apparently I am no good planning on no sleep, my bad), the crew was ready to go at 6am. Alan paced Chantal first thing this am on a beautiful day. We loved receiving this picture from Alan early this am:

290k to Niagara

Only 290k to go! Chantal said something to the effect of how happy she was to see that sign as the number is more manageable.... well, leave it to Chantal to call 290k a walk in the park ;)

There were so many awesome things that happened today! Kathryn and Erin (of Wild Bruce Chase fame) paced the second leg and saw lots of... diverse things. Baby raccoon on the trail, a variety of terrain, then Erin sent us a message saying 'we're having some car trouble'. I was in a panic until I saw the attached picture...

car covered in trees in forest

Seriously, you see everything on this trail! Never a dull moment....

variety of snacks

bacon and potatoes

One thing the team really nailed today was the aid stops. The group has started organizing a 'buffet-style' table of options so Chantal can scan from a variety of items, pick what she likes at that moment and time and the team re-packs her bag. They also call ahead when they are about 30min out and tell the team what Chantal wants to eat for her meal. Today Robin provided some killer snack choices by showing up with bacon and potatoes (aka an ultra runners dream). OHMYGOSH I am getting hungry just thinking about it.

Chantal also gets a foot rub at each aid station to help with her foot pain and mobility issues. The team has it down to a science now, just like the Indy500 ;)

Leg 3 was Jennifer, Michelle and Cassie (more ultra and Wild Bruce Chase friends). These girls had a great time and sent me lots of amazing pictures en route. It looks like they found a stream for Chantal to cool her feet in, there were a few stiles to climb, and a mid-run foot rub station. My fave part of this leg was Chantal's 'happy dance' when she finished the Dufferin hi-lands section and moved into the Caledon hills section. Check Instagram for that video.

michelle giving a foot rub

Chantal was again thrilled to have friends just show up on trail to cheer her on. The support has been so incredible from Chantal. As she told me tonight, "I can't believe the amount of people who went out of their daily tasks to come out and cheer/ crew/ pace me! I'm so humbled and at a loss of words. My heart is swollen with gratitude!"

Crew member Blaire told me "At the last aid station before her final 11km push there were almost 20 ppl to greet Chantal! A group of 8-10 friends hiked the trail then hung out to see her arrive. Plus 3 pacers, 3 camera runners and 2 runners (1 driver) for next leg. Christina was there with her daughter and dog, Paul the paramedic, Robin (who designed the logo), plus Alan, Craig and me!"

running toward a crowd of supporters

That crew gave Chantal a great send off and Rob and Cassie paced her on the final stretch.

Chantal and crew are staying at a friends house tonight (thanks Steve!!) and have told me they are THRILLED at the idea of sleeping with a roof over their head, doing laundry and having a warm shower. It's the little things :)

Tomorrow is going to be another big day, with an earlier start to accommodate an evening massage.

I asked Chantal if she is excited about the final few days, to which she replied that she doesn't want to get ahead of herself and is taking it 20km at a time. So here's to us being excited with her.... 20km at a time ;)

go chantal sign

Above: some trail elves made this awesome sign for Chantal to find en-route today. The best!

The plan this week is a few long days with a final long push Wednesday. If you are in the Niagara region anytime Wednesday including into Thursday morning and want to help out in any way, even just to show up at the end and cheer, we would love to have you! Please email and we will make sure you will be included in the fun.

Today's fun facts:

kms done: 72

total kms so far: 604

pacers (in order of legs today): Alan; Erin and Kathryn; Jennifer, Michelle and Cassie; Rob and Cassie

aid station: Blaire, Craig and Alan, Steve, Sylvie and Brian (and Chantal's daughters)

special appearances: Robin, Christina, Paul the paramedic, Amber, and a whole crew of hiking friends

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