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Starting in July 1, 2017 - Canada's 150th birthday, I will depart Tobermory, Ontario and travel South along the beautiful Bruce Trail's footpath with the goal of finishing the 895 km (559 mi) journey in 11 days. Please follow me for all of the details. I'm calling it "Aspire Bruce Celerity". It's going to be an epic attempt. An FKT attempt such as this couldn't be possible without the help of an amazing crew. To my husband, children, friends and family for supporting this crazy goal of mine. I love you guys! Thank you to the following astounding companies (picture). I'm proud and honoured to share the same visions/inspirations as you. Much respect! Inspired by many who have attempted/completed the end-to-end journey before me: Wild Bruce Chase - the amazing 17 women and support crew, Charlotte Vasarhelyi, Virginia Gingras (Virginia vs Bruce), Rune Melcher, Jim Willett, Cody Gillies, Clayton Smith, Rhonda-Marie Avery, Nous Bruce, Simon Donato and the Blaze Race. Stay tuned for more details as planning develops. :) Believe. Chantal

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